Sunday, February 15, 2009

New Paint

Danny decided he needed some weekend projects to keep himself busy (apparently having a toddler and newborn baby isn't busy enough for him!). So he decided to take off all the wallpaper in the kitchen, dining room and bathroom. Then he painted all of those rooms too! They look so good!

Valentine's Day 2009

V-day was spent at home this year. Auntie Holly came to visit the boys and gave them a great big teddy bear. Grandpa Ronnie and Grandma Donna brought presents and played with the boys too.

And then the boys got their gifts from Mommy and Daddy. Cooper even helped Cole open his gifts.

The Boys

More Cole


Cole is already 6 weeks old! The time has just flown by! Cole is definitely a different baby than Cooper was. He is a bit more sensitive to things, just like his Mama. And he definitely looks a lot more like a Tang too. He is starting to get more used to them but at first he HATED diaper changes and baths.

Cole has had to deal with REALLY bad and painful gas. Weeks 3 and 4 were rough on everyone, especially Cole and Connie. They both probably cried the same amount every day. It was hard on poor Cooper too because he just wasn't getting the attention from Mama that he needed. But when Danny came home, he'd make sure Cooper got lots of attention. And after Cooper went to bed, he'd help give Connie a little break from Cole.

We started taking Cole to a chiropractor and giving him probiotics to help with his digestive system. This has helped A LOT in the last two weeks. He seems like a different baby. He still has A LOT of gas and quite often it is painful for him. But it will only get better with time.

He is SUCH an adorable baby. And a big boy! Even bigger than Cooper. Because of the gas, he wants to nurse ALL the time. Connie is nursing on demand so she lets Cole eat. He is now around 13 lbs at 6 weeks. It won't be long and he'll be pushing Cooper around! : )

Cole has even started smiling and giggling some, though it has yet to be caught on camera!

Cooper's New Room

Right before Cole was born, Cooper decided on his own that it was time to get out of his crib and move into a big boy bed. Danny painted Cooper's new room and we put a mattress on the floor for him. He LOVES it. He thinks he's such a big boy, having his own new room and his own big bed.

Fun Times with Cooper


Cooper gets into anything and everything. If it's sitting there, he much touch it and usually takes off with it. It feels like we are always saying "No Cooper, leave that alone" "No Cooper, put the back" But it is so much fun to watch him explore the world around him.

Cooper's favorite thing in the whole wide world is milk. Yes, milk. He has started to eat less because he will not let us feed him anymore. And he is not yet capable of feeding himself with a spoon/fork. He tries really hard but most of the time the food ends up falling off before he gets it to his mouth.

Cooper is getting to be such a big boy that he doesn't have to sit in a high chair anymore. He gets his own booster chair so he can sit up at the table with mom and dad. He is growing so fast!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Life with Two

Having two kids is sure more interesting than one! It definitely requires finding a way to give them both attention, especially during the day when Danny is at work. And when Danny gets home, he tries to spend lots of quality time with Cooper since most of Connie's day is spent with Cole.

But Danny tries to get in that snuggling time with Cole too that he misses now that he's gone back to work.

Danny right now works Monday thru Thursday, while Connie stays home taking care of the boys.

New Addition

On January 3, 2009, we welcomed a new addition to our family. Cole Lucas Kvien was born at 7:46 am. He was 8 lbs. 7 oz. and 19.5 inches long. He is so adorable!

At first Cooper wasn't too sure what to think of this new "thing" we brought home but he was sure happy to have Mama and Daddy home.