Thursday, March 19, 2009

Cole's 2 Month Well Visit

Cole had his 2 month well visit to the doctor on March 17. He was 10 weeks old (about 2 1/2 months). The doctor said he looked GREAT! He weighed in at 16 lbs...even bigger than Cooper was at that age! But he is longer too - 24.25 inches!

His doctor even commented on how he seems older than his age. She noticed how he can purposefully put his thumb in his mouth and was very impressed! He had to have some shots and screamed during them, but as soon as he had something to eat, he was smiling. Later that day he needed some extra cuddling but everything was o.k.

The Boys Together

Connie has been working on trying to get some pictures of the boys sitting together...but Cooper wants NO part of it!

We will keep working on it and maybe one day Cooper won't mind just SITTING next to his brother. Of course by then, Cole might not want to just SIT by Cooper :)

Adorable Cole

Since Cole is still so young, he can't "do" much....but here are some cute pictures of him.

Crazy Cooper

Cooper is learning to do new things all the time. He will not let you feed him anymore so the one day Mom and Dad decided he should try it all on his own.

Cooper is also learning to climb up on things, which is exciting and VERY scary. He LOVES boxes. Some Christmas gifts came in the mail from Grandpa Jack and Grandma Karolyn...Cooper was too excited about climbing on the box to even realize there were gifts inside!

Auntie Aimee's Visit

The day after Connie's surprise party, Aimee stopped over to visit the kids. She got to run around with Cooper and snuggle with Cole.

Connie's Surprise 30th Birthday Party

On March 7th, Connie planned to take Cole over to a friend's house for a "girls' night". Little did she know, her sister Holly had organized an early surprise 30th birthday party for her! She was definitely surprised!

Danny and Cooper were there, along with other family members and lots of friends. Aimee came down for the party which was so nice! Here are some pictures from the party....

The boys probably got more attention than Connie did but that's just how it should be with such adorable kids! :)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Cole is 2 months old!

Cole turned 2 months old on March 3. He is changing so much in such a short amount of time. He is starting to look more like Cooper. He is starting to be more aware of things going around him and his favorite position is sitting upright so he can look around. When Connie weighed him on the 3rd, he was 15.4 lbs so he is DEFINITELY a big boy! But he will grow out of it, just as Cooper did.

Cole is also getting better as far as the gas problems are concerned. He still has issues but is dealing with them better so he is becoming a happier and more fun baby to be around. Though we all can't wait until he grows out of it completely!

Cole's Outings

Cole has been coming along with Connie to various outings. He's has been to two of Auntie Holly's Bridal showers and was the hit at both! Despite his gas issues, he was such a good baby at both showers that most people said they hardly even knew a baby was there because he didn't cry at all.

They all thought he was just the cutest thing - which of course he is! We aren't biased.

Getting into EVERYTHING!

Ever since he was able to crawl, Cooper has found his way into things. But now that he can walk, there is nothing he DOESN'T get into.

He even found his way into the corner cupboard and got himself stuck - REALLY stuck! Thank goodness Auntie Holly was visiting that night so she helped Connie pull him out.